Channel: Education for All News from UNESCO Bangkok
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Teachers ‘Centre Stage’ at EFA-GMR Launch in Thailand


The Bangkok launch, attended by ministry officials, academics, NGO representatives and others, provided opportunity for UNESCO Bangkok to share its research into the Quality Challenge: Improving Pedagogical Approaches in countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

Mr. Gwang-Chol Chang, Chief of the Education Policy and Reform (EPR) Unit shared with the academia community on-going research initiatives of UNESCO-Bangkok in support of teacher policy and development in the region. Some topics of this research include capacity building for ICT-pedagogy integration to support student-centred learning; collaborative research on promoting transversal (21st century) skills and competencies; quantitative review of teacher requirements to achieve universal basic education in the Mekong sub-region; multi-country study on the gender dimension of participation and learning achievement in Mathematics and Science; and regional research on transforming teaching and learning for the future of education.

Mr Chang focused on the key findings of UNESCO's regional research on transforming teaching and learning which was conducted in 10 countries of the region in 2013. The study revealed that there is generally a conceptual shift in focus toward:
1) improvement of quality learning for all;
2) learner-centred approaches;
3) whole-person development beyond examinations;
4) learning through multi-media/sources/methods;
5) inclusion of skills for life and lifelong learning;
6) increasing focus of curricula on local and global relevance beyond national relevance; and
7) promoting diversity away from uniformity in education.

While national policies in these countries promote such shifts in focus, it is often the case that prevailing teaching and learning practices are still far from reflecting these conceptual shifts. Hence, there remain challenges and constraints in transforming teaching and learning practices in schools and classrooms.

So what are these constraints and challenges in effectively transforming teaching? Study results suggest a lack of sustained political will and commitment to be one challenge. In addition, there may exist an implementation gap in terms of resources, capacity and know-how. In some cases, insufficient consensus building among stakeholders on directions of education reform and policy changes while in others, limited community empowerment and "bottom-up" strategies to implement change may exist. There many also be need for better teacher development and qualified teachers and strengthened efforts to ensure conducive work environments for teachers. Lastly, addressing social or family pressures around high-stake examinations may also be important.

Moving forward, Mr Chang highlighted several key recommendations that emerge from this research, including: fostering equitable access to relevant learning experiences; paying equal attention to teaching processes and learning outcomes; developing evidence-based education reform; ensuring that teachers are supported, empowered and incentivized; and development of well-balanced, relevant, integrated, flexible and implementable curricula for lifelong and life-wide purposes.

The launch ended with a roundtable discussion on "Teacher Policy and Development in Thailand" involving UNESCO, representatives from Chulalongkorn University and UNICEF Thailand. Questions here centred on addressing the learning achievement gap, urgent teacher policies for Thailand, teacher shortages and the role of teachers in Thailand, and preparing teachers for "21st century" learning. Mr. Chang reiterated UNESCO's readiness for analytical and capacity development support in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, ensuring that teacher policy and other reforms, which aimed at strengthening equitable and quality learning, do indeed help transform the long-term prospects of people and societies in Thailand.

For more information, please contact Gwang-Chol Chang [gc.chang[at]unesco.org] at the Education Policy and Reform Unit.

Written by Amalia Miranda‎ Serrano [am.serrano(at)unesco.org]

Related Links:

• National Launch of the 2013/4 EFA Global Monitoring Report, Bangkok, Thailand, 18 September 2014

• 2013/4 Report: Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all

• Myanmar Minister Committed to Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness

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